About The Blue Journal

The Blue Journal isn’t just a catchy name for my blog. It is actual ring binders. But not just any ring binders. Contained within its blue covers is me. Every word, rhyme, sketch, scratch-through, doodle, question, formula and idea tells a little about who I am and where I’ve been. The journal tells me who I am or maybe who I see myself as being. But it’s more.

I actually never realized that the blue binders I picked up somewhere, to record my instant and long-pondered thoughts, were blue until I had them all together once and noticed the coincidence. Blue, blue, blue. Much of what is written in the Blue Journal is the product of what I call hard emotions—those feelings you experience after learning a lesson the hard way or making a discovery after much conscious and subconscious effort, soul-searching and even tears. The emotions that swirl around your heart and test your mentality at all hours of the day any night. Hard emotions are difficult but useful. Maybe even more valuable than the soft ones that come after getting up again or being knocked down by a particularly hard one.

But not all of the Blue Journal is blue in this sense. Much of what you will find is the joy of coming through the blueness. Much of what you’ll find between the covers is pliable, hopeful and helpful for living in our world, where days can be complicated one moment and simple the next. Sometimes the moment is one that just happens and we can’t avoid it. Other times the moment is one that we bring upon ourselves or is brought upon us by others. Life happens. Either way we have a choice. We get to choose our perspective on life. If nothing else the Blue Journal has taught me that. Perspective can be everything and will most certainly frame the way we take each step along the path to our futures. It does mine. 

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